Kathy's Acting Resume
Les Miserables
Guys and Dolls
Skin Deep
The Hobbit / Bilbo's Lost Journal
Raw Hide
Pirates of the Caribbean
Misc Pictures
Kathy Trithardt's Online Portfolio
Les Miserables

These photos were taken of the October 2002 Rainbow Youth Theatre production of "Les Miserables." RIP Jim Rickson, our director.


I believe Les Miserables is a famous enough show that I need not explain about it. My scripted role in Les Miserables was Whore #1. This picture was taken in Scene Four - The Docks.


This photo was taken in "The Night" scene.


Scene Two - "At The End of The Day." My character really did get nothing for nothing in this scene - nothing except a cold.


Fantine battles Factory Girl #5 about the letter the girl stole, and eventually gets fired because she has a child who was born out of wed lock.